What to Expect From Our Program

The presentation is designed to satisfy curriculum requirements of Alberta Education in the following areas:
Health & Life skills: nutrition & hygiene
Science: seasonal changes, 5 senses, care of plants
Math: counting, measurement, sequencing & time
Social Studies: family & cultural traditions; the past, present, & future
Language Arts: literature & writing
Art and Music: drama & music
The Breadlady presentation is a half day in-school field trip full of fun and learning! We come to your classroom and bring everything needed to not only bake bread with the children but also teaching props, tools and activity centres that fill our 2.5 hour program with hands-on learning.
We spend time learning about where our food comes from, specifically our bread. We play games, sing songs and together help add the ingredients needed to make bread right in your classroom!
The children each knead their own dough for a mini loaf of bread to take home and we all work to churn butter to spread on our fresh bread that we sample in class.
Our activity centres ensure that students stay engaged as they participate and learn. We grind our own flour, use our senses to find differences in the ingredients, and even grow our own wheat...with the help of some imagination!